Support at Christmas
With the festive period just around the corner, I wanted to take a moment to reach out to each of you...
Whatever your plans please take a minute to remember that there may be friends, family and loved ones in need of help and support over the next few days... ❤
It can be a really tough time! Please don't try to go it alone... reach out and access the support you deserve.
Here are some helpful telephone numbers. Everything from the Samaritans, Alcoholics Anonymous, Anxiety UK, and lots more helplines are on there.
Don't forget, in times of emergency you can call 999 or go to A&E...
On behalf of the team here at Towards Change, I wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday period. ❤
Over the festive period our email inbox, voicemail and messaging via website will be open. We open again for enquiries and sessions on the 2nd of January 2019.
Warm wishes, Rachel

***Please Share*** We never know, it may help a friend or two over the next few days